Sharia'h Board

Shari’ah Board

Pursuant to the IIFM Shari‘ah Board Charter:

  • Sheikh Prof. Dr. ‘Ali Muhyealdin Al-Quradaghi
  • Sheikh Dr. Nizam Yaquby
  • Sheikh Esam Mohammed Ishaq
  • Sheikh Dr. Mohamed Ali Elgari
  • Datuk Sheikh Prof. Dr. Mohamad Akram Laldin
  • Sheikh Dr. Imran Usmani
  • Sheikh Prof. Dr. Mohammed Abdul Rahim Sultan Al Ulama
  • Sheikh Prof. Dr. Hasan Hacak
  • Sheikh Prof. Dato' Dr. Aznan Hasan
  • Sheikh Dr. Mohammed Burhan Arbouna
  • Sheikh Isa Abdulla Duwaishan
  • Prof. Dr. H. Fathurrahman Djamil, MA
  • Ustad Mohammad Elhassan Elkhalifa


Tasks and Authority of the Shari‘ah board

  • To review all the Shari’ah related materials, structures, documents, memorandums and to ensure that their terms are in compliance with Shari’ah rules and principles.
  • To ensure that IIFM master agreements and the related documents comply with Shari’ah rules and principles.
  • To provide necessary guidance and advice to IIFM on matters relating to its projects and initiatives by giving Shari’ah views as well as their kind opinion on related issues.
  • To be an active participant at the earliest stages in the IIFM projects from the time of its development, to its launch.
  • To work with other Shari’ah Boards, if needed.
  • IIFM may request for an IIFM scholar participation in its Working Group meeting mainly via conference call for general comments.
  • The Shari’ah Board shall be given all the necessary assistance and the resources in order to be able to discharge its responsibility.
  • To seek any information it requires from the IIFM secretariat in order to perform its duties efficiently. It should also have access to the details of whatever went into the development or structuring of the IIFM documents.
  • To reject or amend any clause in the master agreements and it related documents that are not compliant with Shari’ah rules and principles or amends it in accordance with the Shari’ah teachings.