IIFM Videos

7th May 2024 - IIFM-ISDA Islamic Hedging WG Meeting’

6th September 2023 - Webinar on Publication of Annual ‘IIFM Sukuk Report (12th Edition)’

6th September 2022 - Webinar on Publication of Annual ‘IIFM Sukuk Report (11th Edition)’

2008, IIFM published its first standard documentation, Master Agreements for Treasury Placement (MATP)

7th March 2022 - IIFM-OBA Industry Awareness Seminar (Virtual) on Lastest Global Development Impacting Islamic Finance

26th October 2021 - IIFM-IILM Virtual Seminar on Global Benchmark Rate Reforms at the 8th ISEF 2021

7th October 2021, CNBC Arabia - السوق المالية الإسلامية: حلول بمعدلات خالية من المخاطر

4th August 2021 - IIFM Webinar on Publication of ‘10th Anniversary Edition of the Annual Sukuk Report’

9th July 2021 - أحجام الصكوك الإسلامية بالعملات الأجنبية تقفز بأكثر من 40 بالمئة في النصف الأول من العام

29th March 2021 - Webinar on Publication of IIFM Standard Sukuk Al Mudarabah Documentation Templates

24th November 2020 - IIFM Virtual Industry Consultative Meeting on Global Benchmark Rate Reforms and Implications of IBOR Transition for Islamic Finance (Challenges & Proposed Solutions)

30th October 2020 - IFSB and IIFM High Level International Webinar in conjunction with Indonesia Shari’ah Economic Festival (ISEF 2020)

12th October 2020 - Webinar on Publication of IIFM Standard Sukuk Al Ijarah Documentation Templates

27th July 2020 - IIFM Webinar on Launch of Sukuk Report 2020

ICMA Podcast with Mr. Ijlal Ahmed Alvi on Islamic finance its history, products, and role in the international capital market

Industry Opportunities in Islamic Finance at Universiti Malaysia Sabah, Labuan Campus on 3 Oct 2019